The result of that conclusion is the ACME Fellowship of Churches. Our goal is more modest than what typically comes to mind when you hear the word “denomination.” We simply want to know each other better so we can pool funds to support gospel work.
In a sense, ACME is just institutionalizing what our churches have been doing for years—knowing, encouraging, and strengthening one another. This has built a foundation of trust that makes us eager to now share resources with each other to promote Great Commission ministry.
We think this can be done while we remain invested in other partnerships. However, we know the many demands placed on our budgets and calendars. Most of us are local church pastors ourselves! We know every congregation must decide how best to steward the resources God has provided—both time and money. Obviously, we think ACME is worth both.
ACME stands for the Association of Churches for Missions and Evangelism. It’s a straightforward, no-nonsense name. Our goal is to link like-minded churches together so that they can more easily enjoy fellowship and fund like-minded work.
With gratitude to God who gives the growth,
The ACME Fellowship Board
Greg Gilbert, Third Avenue Baptist Church, Louisville, KY
Omar Johnson, Temple Hills Baptist Church, Temple Hills, MD
Michael Lawrence, Hinson Baptist Church, Portland, OR
Aaron Menikoff, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA
Jonathan Rourke, Tri-City Bible Church, Vista, CA
Juan Sanchez, High Pointe Baptist Church, Austin, TX

What is ACME's Purpose?
ACME exists to unite and mobilize a group of churches to further the gospel and interest of Christ in the world.

What Does ACME Seek to Do?
Unite like-minded churches across geographic, ethnic, and denominational lines. Churches with similar theology and practice will cooperate more freely and frequently.
Gather churches into a family of fellowships. Churches cooperate better when they can know, encourage, and strengthen each other in regional (multi-state) fellowships.
Lead churches to share resources for Great Commission work. Churches united theologically and in fellowship will gladly share resources to further the gospel and interest of Christ in the world.

How will ACME Accomplish its Mission?
By focusing on and rallying around eight key distinctives.
By bringing churches together for Great Commission strategy conferences.
By pooling the financial resources of ACME churches to fund select Great Commission initiatives.
By building partnerships with other like-minded parachurch ministries in order to accomplish Great Commission objectives.Biblical Basis
God wants churches to lock arms in Great Commission work. The exact texture of this cooperation may not be spelled out in the Bible, but the contours are clear. For the sake of the nations, churches are to: Know & Encourage each other, Strengthen each other, and Share Resources with each other.
Healthy Churches Know & Encourage Each Other
Early church congregations sought to know one another. In Romans 16:16, Paul sent greetings from “all the churches of Christ.” These churches clearly had an intimate knowledge of and warm affection for one another. Knowledge then fosters a desire to encourage one another. Frail people and fragile congregations need loving exhortation from like-minded saints. Paul sent Tychicus to the Ephesians that they might “know how we are and that he may encourage your hearts” (Eph. 6:22). Similarly, John longed to talk with churches “face to face” that his “joy may be complete” (2 John 12).
Healthy Churches Strengthen Each Other
True encouragement requires doctrinal fidelity. Churches are blessed when they strengthen one another. Paul ended his first missionary journey retracing his steps to equip infant congregations so they might withstand trials. He returned “strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22). Fellowship and cooperation finds its inspiration in Paul’s commitment not just to see congregations birthed, but to see congregations strengthened.
Healthy Churches Share with Each Other
Congregations that know, encourage, and strengthen each other will gladly share resources. This cooperation is the fruit of a gospel that promotes selflessness. When the Jerusalem church saw a congregation in Antioch needing leadership, the saints sent Barnabas. When Antioch saw the body of Christ in Jerusalem needing financial aid, they sent relief (Acts 13:22, 29). Likewise, John encouraged churches to be generous with those who “have gone out for the sake of the name” (3 John 7, 8).